The Emblem of The Helping Hand

It was because of my sincere gratitude, that The Helping Hand Emblem
and this blog were created. Just my way of saying ~ ~
Much Obliged! Very Much Obliged!

The doors of the original Sojourner's Place officially opened for business on January 1, 2008. I was scared, but excited about this new venture. And now, while no longer scared - I remain excited with what the future holds for me and and the new Sojourner's Place launched May 2009!

Sojourner's Place and I came a long way in just a few short months. But, we didn't get there by ourselves. We had a lot of help, support, and encouragement. The blogsphere, Afrosphere, and definetely the AfroSpear welcomed us with open arms. And for that we will be enternally grateful.

Much Obliged and Paying it Forward #5

SjP's is STILL here. After 18 months, I'm still here - telling the truth according to me. But, there is no way that I could keep on keeping on without the support and encouragement of some very special bloggers.

So, it is fitting that I give a "Much Obliged! Very Much Obliged" to some very special Sojourners. Ya'll keep me going in so many ways, and I am so happy to pass The Emblem of the Helping Hand to you for all you do for me.

~~Ms Lady Deborah of From My Brown Eyed View
~~Village of Electronic Village ~~Regina of Regina's Family Seasons ~~Ms. Marva of Conversations With Marva ~~The Griper of Just a Man with His Thoughts ~~Professor Tracey of Aunt Jemima's Revenge ~~RiPPa of The Intersection of Madness and Reality ~~Revvy Rev of The Certain Sound ~~Nordette of Whose shoes are these anyway? ~~The U of Any way I have to

Much Obliged...
Very Much Obliged ~ ~


Nice post you got here. I'd like to read a bit more about this topic. Thanx for sharing that information.
Joan Stepsen
Wise geek

Thanks for sharing the valuable information regarding how one can help the other person with the help of the available resource.we are also helping the world.More Read-:

Leaving the Pile Higher Than I Found It

Receiving the Emblem in recognition for your mentoring, support, and encouragement to a fellow blogger is no small fete! It is evidence that you have gone well beyond the call of duty by your continued efforts to "leave the pile higher than you found it"! It is further evidence that your blog(s)has been identified as the epitome of excellence and is certainly admired.

Receiving the Emblem from a seasoned blogger is a testimony to your that you're on the right track! That your voice is being heard. And there are those out here in the blogosphere that recognize your potential even if you don't. Keep up the good work, and remember to "Pay it Forward".

Congratulations again. Please add yourself to The Emblem of the Helping Hand meme so others will learn of your accomplishment. And don't forget to add a comment.

Much obliged...very much obliged, SjP

The Emblem of the Helping Hand

The Rules for Passing on the Emblem of the Helping Hand

Just copy and paste into your Emblem post. I'd be very much obliged if you keep the links in tack as I like to visit recipients to whom the Emblem is past.


1. Pass on the Emblem to up to 10 bloggers:
* Up to 5 who have provided you with encouragement and support; AND
* Up to 5 you want to provide encouragement and support to
2. Create post linking to the blogs or bloggers you passing the Emblem on to.
3. Include a link to Sojourner’s Place ( in your post.
4. Show your some love by adding them to your blog roll, Technorati Favorite list, etc.
5. Add your name to The Helping Hand link and leave a comment as a permanent record of all Helping Hand recipients (
6. Display the rules.


Sojourner's Place

Visitors since June 29, 2008

View blog authority

Passed On & Paid Forward by SjP

July 2009 Recipients
~From My Brown Eyed View ~Electronic Village ~Regina's Family Seasons ~Conversations With Marva ~Just a Man with His Thoughts ~Aunt Jemima's Revenge ~The Intersection of Madness and Reality ~The Certain Sound ~Whose shoes are these anyway? ~Any way I have to

January 1, 2009 Recipients
* The Certain Sound * Ugly Black John
Traces of a Stream * Sankofa
Bent Society * When Least Expected

October 18, 2008 Recipients
*Jack and Jill Politics * The Happy Go Lucky Bachelor
*Sagacious Ramblings * Hey Shae'
The D Spot * Black Women in Europe
Change Therapy * Don't Color Me
* Beautiful, Also, Are the Souls of Black Sisters
* Songs In The Key Of Life * Black and Missing but Not Forgotten

August 8, 2008 Recipients
*Adventures in Being * Black Political Thought
* Ebony Report * HicktownPress * Mimi Writes
* * Musings About A Muddled World
* Raw Dawg Buffalo * SONGS IN THE KEY OF LIFE
* The Synergistic Pen *UltravioletUnderground * What About Our Daughters? * Womanist Musings

June 29, 2008 Recipients ~ The First

** African American Opinion
* Black On Campus
** Black Tennis Pro's
* Coffee Stained News's Weblog
**Electronic Village
** New Black Woman
* Notes of This Native Son
** on the black hand side
Regina's Family Seasons
The Black Factor
The Francis L. Holland Blog
The Marvalus View

*Much Obliged Recipients
** Paying It Forward Recipients

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